about me

Looking for Full-Time Product Manager Roles

Being curious about how people think and what makes them tick is the reason I am in love with design. I aspire to design products and services that are a balanced combination of technology and empathy-driven ideas. My business and data science background have exposed me to design on a multitude of levels, both human-centered as well as product driven.

Aside from work, I enjoy exploring the relationship between design and creative industries such as art, photography, dance, choreography and more. I’ve been dancing for 10+ years now and am always looking for the next learning experience. When I’m not in my hometown, I’m always on the move from city to city.

I love meeting new people and hearing new stories — let’s chat!

Email | LinkedIn

Previously, I graduated from UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business with a degree in Business Administration and a minor in data science.

I now spend my time pondering the intersection of design, strategy and technology as the physical and digital realms converge everyday. As a designer, I want to advocate for access and availability to a range of forgotten communities.

From art, to music, to dance, to photography, to design — I love thinking about what we love doing and what I can create for the people around me.

Clients I’ve worked with.

Compass Consulting Sales Pitch

Compass Consulting Recommendation

Bosch Retail Product Recommendation